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Weekly Astrology Forecast--Venus in Pisces

As the week of Monday, March 11th begins, Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces. You'll hear all about this as this 27-minute podcast begins. Then, you will get the rest of the week's planetary energy forecast.


Essential Oils, Herbs, and Astrology, a class I am co-teaching with Gabriel Mojay, is now open for Registration! This workshop will give you a deeper understanding of the relationship of Planetary and Zodiac Sign energy to the helpful effects of the Plant Kingdom. Registrants will get a 400 words or more assessment of their birthchart from Gabriel which will help guide your own choice of plant helpers tobalance and create harmony when there is stress from the effects of daily, weekly or more longterm aspects in your own birthchart.

The workshop on Zoom begins on April 7th and will take place from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm EDT for 6 weeks, April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5 and 12. Each class will be recorded and sent to all Registrants so you will have this and the slides and notes for class which can also be helpful if you need to miss one or more of these classes.

The Early Registration price of $396 is available until March 31st. After this $495.

The information and registration is immediately available, and the prompts should be easy to navigate, but please contact me for any question or if you need more information.

Ready for a Reading? Visit the Astrology Readings page to find the one that is best for you, and a way to order. Contact me for other ways to order and about my other offerings: Classes, Consultations, Card Readings, Custom Blends.

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