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Journey to the Meaning of Love

Available as a paperback and e-book from








Priestess of the Prophecy - Book Three in Revealing the Druid Legacy

Anwen meets her Otherworld Air Guide and completes the illuminating Air Element training on the Priestess Isle. Armed with this teaching, she is ready to learn her crucial role in the Druid’s secret plan to preserve their knowledge and the surprising truth of her own heritage. 


Her mission will require all her knowledge and tools to succeed and to accept the profound personal sacrifices she must make to fulfill her vow.   


Supported by Gwendolen and her Lady Sisters, she embarks on the destined path. The powerful relationship with Arthur she has dreamed of for years finally begins, along with the conflict of knowing one day she must choose between Merlin and Arthur, the two great loves of her life. Which one will it be--and why?
















Priestess of the Realms - Book Two in Revealing the Druid Legacy

Follow Anwen to the Priestess Isle off the west coast of Wales where she begins her new life as an initiate Priestess in the Circle of Nine. Her first lesson will take her deep into the Realm of Water, where she meets the first otherworldly Guide.

As her training unfolds, Anwen’s life and those of her Lady Sisters give her the experiences needed to deepen her mastery of the powerful information and techniques received from Lady Gwendolen, elemental Guides, and beloved Merlin. Ceremonial festivals and journeys back to her home in the Vale of Glamorgan bring important new characters and visits to sacred ancient sites.


On the brink of completing her full training, Anwen knows she will soon learn what her crucial part in the Druid’s ingenious plan to keep their knowledge pure for those born far in the future will be. Maybe this will help her understand why the powerful dreams of Arthur persist.

The Last Priestess - Book One in Revealing the Druid Legacy

In this unique retelling of the Arthur Legend, we explore the life of Anwen; the last priestess called to serve the Goddess on the Priestess Isle. The time of the Druids fades as the new faith takes hold at the end of the fifth century in Celtic Wales. The Druids have a secret plan to preserve their knowledge for future times and Anwen is destined to play a crucial role. First, she must reawaken her knowledge from other lifetimes. This process ignites her powerful bond with wise Merlin. And it seems young prince Arthur will have a part in her own mission.

A tale of ancient times when magic still existed, The Last Priestess takes you deep into the Dark Ages where the Druid secrets are kept. Journey with Anwen to festivals, initiations, stone circles, sacred groves, and healing wells. Witness her arrival on The Priestess Isle and induction into her training with Lady Gwendolen as she joins the last Circle of Nine. Discover a compelling new version of a famous myth, filled with teachings that may conjure ‘a memory awakening in the crystals of your bones.’

Replacing misconceptions about the Druids and the ‘Dark Ages,’ the life of The Last Priestess reawakens the power and wisdom ready to be
claimed by us all.




The Greatest Enchantment - A Forest Fairy Adventure

Join Melarose and Runawind, young Forest Fairies from Grandfather Mountain in the North Carolina Blue Ridge, as they journey south to the Land that Has No Fall. Here, they will encounter far more than they could have imagined; and, together with those special others met along their way, find themselves on an unexpected adventure that leads them to the greatest enchantment of all.


This is a tale for all lovers of fairy tales--from ages 7 to 107--with inspiring and uplifting messages throughout.

“Each time I read this story, I am more and more enthralled—it has all the charm and essence of The Wizard of Oz, with a clear goal of the protagonists and interesting new characters picked up along the way, each with their own distinct voice. The story is well-written, with humor, tenderness, poignancy, and a beautifully rendered message that will appeal to anyone who cares about the fate of this planet.”


~ Cindy Hochman, Editor-in-chief of

First Literary Review-East

Journey to the Meaning of Love

Journey to the Meaning of Love offers a collection of poems that follow the progress of a soul's quest to understand and come to terms with romantic love and the nature of the heart…from love as desire, yearning, gratification or pain; to a more detached awareness of human interactions and needs; evolving to a deeper understanding and acceptance of the balance of opposites which leads ultimately to the recognition of love as a spiritual path, and resulting in compassionate union that expresses Divine Love for all that is.

“Speaking of love, I love every one of Shellie's journeys to love in her collection; each one honest and profound…I was recently called upon to say a few words at a friend's passing; his Celebration of Life. Knowing the deep love he and his wife shared, I chose to read Love You Always. It was the perfect selection. If you love poetry and love, then, Shellie Enteen's Journey to the Meaning of Love is for you.”


~ Sammie Lipscomb, SC

The Greatest Enchantment

Cover Design: Boy So Blue Graphic Arts

Available as paperback and

e-book from 

To obtain a signed copy, Contact Shellie.

The-Last-Priestess, Book One in Revealing the Druid Legacy

Available as paperback, hardcover, and

e-book from

To obtain a signed copy, Contact Shellie.

Priestess of the Realms book cover

Available as paperback, hardcover, and

e-book from

To obtain a signed copy, Contact Shellie.

Available as paperback, hardcover, and

e-book from

To obtain a signed copy, Contact Shellie.

The "Revealing the Druid Legacy" Series by Shellie Enteen
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