On this page you can find out more about Astrology -- its history and an overview of the information an Astrologer uses to interpret and create a forecast. The Readings page has information on my background and a menu of readings available.
All ancient cultures were guided by the stars. The rising or setting of a certain constellation foretold the start of a season or time of significant geophysical change. The Celts (and others) used the Solstice and Equinox positions of the Sun to orient the direction of roads; the passage of heavenly bodies was tracked by great stone circles, pyramids and other monuments all over the world. Along with their astronomical import, the Sun, Moon and Planets (the ‘wandering stars’) were also seen to have significant effects on individuals and mundane events. This branch of sky-watching is what we call Astrology.
While these universally recognized practices fell out of favor in the western Christian countries, other cultures … most notably India … maintained an unbroken tradition of reading astrological charts for many purposes. For the west, Astrology became part of information labeled as forbidden ‘occult knowledge.’ Practitioners and their work were shrouded in secret. But the knowledge and traditions were passed on.
At the time of the Harmonic Convergence (on August 17, 1987) a re-awakening of consciousness occurred which caused a noticeable shift in attitude about this ancient knowledge. Astrologers suddenly became sought out for information and advice. By the second decade of the 21st century, we find an ever-growing number of astrologers, schools of astrology, types of astrology, books, blogs and internet pages on astrology, and people seeking astrological advice.
Astrology is a practical science in that it considers the effects and relationships of the Four Elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Two of these, Fire and Air are said to be masculine, dynamic or yang, while the other two, Earth and Water, are feminine, magnetic and yin. Astrology further considers the 3 manners in which these Elements are known to manifest: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. If you multiply 4 by 3, you get 12: the number of zodiac signs.
The astrological chart is also divided into 12 spatial segments, or houses, that follow development from the “I AM” spark of individual creation (Aries) to the re-merging with the One (Pisces). These houses are ruled by one of the Zodiac signs and hold the manifestations of those qualities.
Zodiac signs are also said to be ruled by a specific planet. The planet also carries the sign’s characteristics. For example, Mars is the fiery warrior planet that is associated with Aries and the first house of Self Individuation. It further describes desire, motivation and will to move and act.
From the time and location, we discover what signs are on the house cups (doorways), what sign the planets occupy, and in which houses they are found. Putting that all together and we have the symbolism conveying information that gives meaning to the manifestation. We go on from here to observe the relationship between the planets and more.
Personality characteristics, talents and tendencies are easily seen in the quality and position of the planets in their relation to each other. Like the sky in real-time, these positions also continue to move. Tracking this creates what are called the progressions and current transits. These activate the birth chart in specific ways. With accurate information, the timing of events can be precisely given.
To learn more about Shellie’s astrological background and types of readings offered, go to READINGS.