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Weekly Astrology Forecast--Jupiter Joins Uranus, Sun Enters Taurus

The Aries Solar Eclipse has come and gone, and we are now in the 6-month orb of influence for the effects of change in the outer world. The week beginning Monday, April 15th and ending on Sunday, April 21st brings a major planetary conjunction and a shift for the Sun.

The Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus is discussed in this 20-minute podcast. And the daily planetary energy forecast for this week is found in this 22-minute forecast. It includes the Sun leaving fiery Aries and moving into the more settled, grounded sign of Taurus.

Slowly, some of the whirling, intensive feelings will settle down a bit while feelings grow stronger as we enter the 3rd quarter lunar phase and are on our way to a Scorpio Full Moon on the 23rd. We are still in retrograde Aries Mercury, so be aware of drivers doing some unexpected and not well-thought-out moves while people in general are feeling frustration and irritation.

I had my interview on the Welsh Goddess Myths and the Modern Woman with Karen Tate last week, but have not yet received the link for the recording. Another interview this coming week with Liz Naughton will cover her questions and comments about reading The Last Priestess. Thursday at 11:00 a.m. EDT. A link for both interviews will be posted on the Shellie Enteen Author Facebook Page and in the newseltter list for Author Updates.

You can read more about the Revealing The Druid Legacy trilogy and how to get then on the Books page of this website.

Ready for a Reading? Visit the Astrology Readings Page where you can get information about the readings I offer and order yours. Or Contact Me for other ways to order and more information about my other offerings: Classes, Card Readings, Consultations, Custom Blends.

Art: Alphonse Mucha

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