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Weekly Astrology Forecast and Aries Total Solar Eclipse

The week beginning Monday, April 1st and ending Sunday, April 7th holds two planetary shifts: Mercury retrogrades on April 1st (making you easier to fool on Fool's Day?) and Venus moving into Aries at 12:00 a.m. EDT on Friday, April 5th. This 37-minute podcast gives you the Weekly Astrology Forecast with info about those planetary shifts, along with the daily energy forecast that can help us plan our time wisely.

The total Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries at the New Moon on Monday April 8th is an unusually potent event. I wanted you to have a week to listen to and absorb the information and some of the meanings, so I have included this 36-minute podcast . It will also give you more time to ponder what you might want to seed with your intentions and visions at that powerful time. If you are in the US, a website called the National Eclipse will give you general information about the solar eclipse track. Scroll down to get the detailed map and specific information for your state.

The Eclipse is at 19 degrees of Aries, which will put it in a specific location in your birth chart and might be making aspects to your planets. If you want to know how this Eclipse will impact your chart, visit the Astrology Readings page and order a Natal Chart reading which will also include your personal planet progressions and transits which reveal the effects of the outer planets.

Next Sunday (April 7th) the a unique course: AROMATHERAPY, HERBS AND ASTROLOGY begins. There is still time left to Register for this 6-week adventure I am co-teaching with Aromatherapy Star, Gabriel Mojay. We will explore the symbolism and characteristics of these modalities and how all three can be combined to create and enhance inner healing.

On Zoom, all Registrants will recieve a recording of the class, slides, and PDF notes. The time this three hour-class begins is 9:00 a.m. Pacific, 12:00 p.m. Eastern and 5:00 p.m. British time.

More information and registration is on This Website. Early Bird Registration $396 ends at midnight on March 31st. $495 thereafter.

I'm looking forward to my INTERVIEW WITH KAREN TATE on WELSH GODDESS MYTHS AND THE MODERN WOMAN is at 2:00 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, APRIL 10th on the VOICES OF THE SACRED podcast on BlogTalk Radio. If you would like to listen to the live show and have an opportunity to ask questions or comment, here is the number to call: 914/205-5906

I will also share the recording when it becomes available.

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